20 Sep 2012

INSIDE Secure and TazTag introduced the TazPad V2, a fully featured seven-inch Android 4.0 (aka Ice Cream Sandwich, or ICS) tablet computer that gives solution providers an ideal solution for use in mobile banking, stock management, payment, ticketing, access control, identity and other sensitive and secure applications. Available now from TazTag, the new TazPad tablet combines the EMVCo-certified secure near field communication (NFC) capabilities provided by the INSIDE Secure SecuRead NFC module and Open NFC protocol stack with biometric authentication capabilities and an extensive array of wireless connectivity technologies to enable solution providers to efficiently support a variety of commercial, professional and consumer mobile applications.

“Our TazPad combines the security features of the SecuRead module and biometrics with robust wireless connectivity to create a unique mobile platform solution providers can employ for secure applications,” said Eric Fouchard, president at TazTag. “The TazPad enables a variety of new use cases, and several pilot projects are coming online shortly in Europe, South Africa and India in the areas of home care, eGovernment and eID applications, all of which take advantage of the strong, biometric-based authentication capabilities of the TazPad.”